Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Farm Ponds

In Pennsylvania, farm ponds are a very common thing. But many people feel that their ponds have too many plants. This video shows how the different amounts of vegitation will be useful for different uses of the ponds.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Coqui Frog Abuse

This is a continuation of my last post.

In Hawaii, the rare coqui frog, that can only survive in tropical rainforest climates, is being killed cruely in mass numbers. You think it's not a problem? Wrong.

"AS OF January, 2008, the coqui frogs are still under attack in Hawaii. Millions of dollars have been spent to spray the jungles with acid and caustic lime (calcium hydroxide) in order to burn the frogs to death. Some spraying has taken place using helicopters to poison the tree tops. Beautiful tropical plants have been cut down and sprayed with herbicide to eliminate coqui hiding places. Trees have been cut down, and bulldozers have cleared land, all to attack the coqui.

In Response, we at have started a Coqui Sanctuary and Nature Preserve.

It takes 45 minutes to kill coquis with acid or calcium hydroxide, a painful and inhumane practice that also burns lizards, spiders, insects, birds, cats and dogs, plants, and anything else unfortunate enough to be in the spray's path. Uncountable numbers of animals suffer sub-lethal burns that cause weeks of pain. This barbaric practice is not only cruel; it is also ineffective, and has spread the frogs. The only other methods of killing coquis, promoted by the government, are to hand-capture the frogs and put them in hot water, to cook them to death, or to put them in the freezer, to freeze them to death. No humane method of frog control is offered; and humane laws do not apply to the coquis in Hawaii, since the government in 2006 passed a law specifically defining the coqui as a "pest"; and, by Hawaii law, pests are not protected from cruelty! (This is the first time in the history of the world that a tree frog has been labeled a "pest".)

Why has the coqui been labeled a "criminal" in Hawaii, and subjected to such tortures as being boiled or frozen or sprayed with acid? It's not because the frogs are an environmental problem. Even a "scientific study" has shown that they are not a threat to Hawaii's ecosystems. Click here for excerpts from an article that appeared in The Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, August 28, 2005.

NO, THE REASON for the Frog War is not because the frogs are an environmental problem. It's because of their chirping at night, which some people don't like! " -

Click on this link to see a video of the coqui frog:

Coqui Frog

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Autism Awareness

Ever since I was old enough to understand what was going on with my sister, I've taken a huge interest in autism and other disabilities that affect so many families world wide. It's amazing to me how few people are actually aware of this growing occurance and how many people asses it. There are many sides to these disabilities like anything else, and it's important to investigate them, but first you have to accept they're there.

This video shows many wonderful kids that have autism:

Just Checking

Sorry I haven't posted anything yet... I just got the website to recognize my password :)